Children waiting for their forever home

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The Hands Across The Water (HATW) website is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclaimers contained herein. By using the HATW website, you agree to all such terms, conditions, and disclaimers. If you do not agree to these terms, conditions, and disclaimers, please do not use this website. HATW reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and disclaimers under which its website is offered.
All materials posted on this site are subject to copyrights owned by Hands Across the Water or other individuals or entities. Any reproduction, retransmission, or republication of all or part of any document found on this site is expressly prohibited, unless Hands Across the Water or the copyright owner of the material has expressly granted its prior written consent to so reproduce, retransmit or republish the material. All other rights reserved.
The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of Hands Across the Water appearing on this site may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise to indicate the organization's sponsorship of or affiliation with any product or service, without the organization's prior express written permission.
Although this website features links to other sites, Hands Across the Water takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those sites, as we do not exercise editorial or other control over these sites.
This website provides information and services in furtherance of our mission. We make no representations about the suitability or accuracy of the information on this site for any purpose.
The HATW website may contain bulletin board services, chat areas, forums, and other message or communication facilities designed to enable you to communicate with the public at large or with a group. You agree to use to post, send and receive only messages and material that are proper and related to the Hands Across The Water. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that you will not:
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HATW reserves the right to review materials posted to its website and to remove any materials in its sole discretion. HATW reserves the right to terminate your access to any or all of the at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever.
Photos of children used on the Hands Across The Water website are stock images, except where children's photos have been supplied by their adoptive families on the Family Stories page, on the Waiting Children page. HATW does not post photos of children available for adoption on our website, with the exception of waiting children whose photos are approved for publication by the State of Michigan.
Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement under United States copyright law should be sent to: Hands Across The Water, 781 Avis Drive, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48108; email:
If you see any objectionable, inaccurate or improperly functioning content or features on this site, please contact our webmaster at or by calling 734-477-0135 as soon as possible.