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family stories

Read stories written by families that experienced adoption or foster care through Hands Across The Water. Click on the titles below to read the full stories.

Did you take part in a HATW program and want to share your story? 

Let us know at the bottom of this page!

"bringing our daughter home"

"As we began to look into adoption agencies, Hands Across The Water (HATW) stood out. We were interested in open adoption, and the approach HATW took towards birth parents and children, as well as waiting families, was heartening... The staff was incredibly helpful and patient as we worked through our questions. In the end, HATW was the right fit for us."

Read more here.

"beauty for ashes"

"Now that both of our children’s adoptions are finalized, we look back at those uncertain periods in our lives and are so thankful we found a reliable and ethical agency like Hands Across The Water. If we ever decided to add to our family, Jill would be our first call. I wouldn’t dream of venturing into the adoption world without her invaluable guidance.."


Angela Edmond shares the story of adopting her son and daughter. Click here to read.

"Our a to z story"

"We were thrilled to learn that not only did HATW speak publicly about being LGBT affirming, they had a strong track record of successfully matching birth families with same-sex couples. In our research, we found some agencies that were happy to work with same-sex couples, however, they did not have much experience in matching them with potential birth parents. HATW was the exception."


Andrew and Adam Gardner-Northrop share the story of adopting their son Zachary. Click here to read.

"The Wait is Over!"

"Working with the HATW staff, my fears were quickly put at ease. I encountered something that I was previously unfamiliar with in the adoption industry — honesty."

Read this mother's story on adopting through our Waiting Child Program.

"our journey"

"We hope your adoption and/or fostering journey is a positive one and we feel Hands Across The Water is and will be a huge part of the journey and for many years to come after your placement!"


Click here to read this couple's adoption story and their experience working with HATW.

"our journey to Elena"

"I will forever be grateful to HATW for helping us complete our family in a beautiful way."


Read this family's story on adopting their child Elena from Guatemala through our International Adoption Program.

"our journey to Johanna"

"Everywhere that Joei goes, people have fallen in love with her... We cannot begin to explain the joy that she brings everywhere she goes."

Read this family's story on adopting their child Johannah from China through our International Adoption Program.

"our story"

"This process can definitely teach you that patience is a virtue – and greatly rewarded in unimaginable ways!"

Robert and Julia share their story of adopting their daughter Natali from Guatemala and working with our International Adoption Program. Click here to read.

"it really does happen: the five a.m. airport shuttle"

"Everything seems slower and happens faster than you realize at the time. And, yes, it really does happen. Enjoy every moment."

Daryl and Leslie share their story of adopting their child from Guatemala through our International Adoption Program and the process of returning to the U.S. with their child. Read more.

Share Your Own Family Story!

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F: 734-477-0213


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Photos of children used on the Hands Across The Water website are stock images, except where children's photos have been supplied by their adoptive families on the Family Stories page, and on the Waiting Children page. HATW does not post photos of children available for adoption on our website, with the exception of waiting children whose photos profiles are approved by the State of Michigan for publication.

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